Sunday, 25 November 2007

Another weekend...

Allan is driving Jordie home now and I have just finished cooking dinner for when he gets home at much later tonight.

Billy is asleep on the wonderful sofa his Beautiful Aunty Ret and Uncle Pete bought him. It is a great gift and he has used it every day. We all just love it. I even had a sleep on it!!!

The weekends go so fast and when I am not working it just all rolls into one. I can't belive it is Monday again tomorrow.

It was great to have Allan and Jordie to assist with the food shopping for the week today but at a cost of $302.00 I think I prefer going on my own and taking the risk that Billy will get a bit upset! Funny enough at the checkout I said to Allan $265 and he said $103.... we always have a guess at how much it will all cost. I can't believe Allan was actually for real! I would have said $300 if I had seen all the treats he had dropped into the bottom of the trolley when I wasn't looking but I still won as I was the closest guess.

Billy, Jordan and I spent Saturday christmas shopping. It was sooooo hard. We went to Indoroopilly at 9am and left there at about a day shopping. And I didn't buy anything! Jordie got her brothers and mum something and that was it. But we had fun and I am sure Billy will enjoy the sushi we had at lunch in the next couple of hours :))))

I love my family and the best thing about the whole weekend.....we all went to church together this morning. We got there just as mass was starting so had to sit outside but it was great to have Allan there (who never goes to church). As you can see he is getting serious about preparing Jordan and Billy for their christening coming up in two weeks time. Billy was wearing his new outfit from Liz and Glen and looking a smasher! So cute to see him in shorts and a shirt. Wait until everyone sees his christening outfit!!

On another topic, if any new mums are reading this - HELP!!! How much is normal to express in breast milk each day. How on earth am I ever going to go back to work. I am only getting 100-120ml a day and that really takes work. The ABA website says to express every two hours - are they for real?? Do people just take the pump with them on the run and express at all hours? Not me....I need my beauty sleep and my uniterrupted shopping time.

Okay guess I might go have a glass of wine and see if I can relax a bit before trying to express ANOTHER bottle as my beautiful baby sleeps peacefully.


Anonymous said...

Hey Billy

Cant wait to see you in a few weeks mate - Gee I thought my mama would never let me come to see you, my cousins Jordan, Matt and Ashley and uncle Al and aunty clairie - again!! woo hoo! let s party like it's 1999 and stay up all night, we can cry in tandem just to stress our mamas out! hehehe

Gemma said...

Hello Billy,

Loooking forward to seeing all the 2007 boys get together. Hope you aren't thinking of any 3am parties that week - I will be sleeping close by??


Grandma Gem