Friday, 30 November 2007

A Day in the Life of Billy

My sister recorded a day in the life of her son and I thought it would be interesting to see what that looked like for Billy.

I heard recently that if you breastfed your baby for less than 5-10 mins it was just a comfort feed. But most of Billys feeds are for small times so I got really worried but seeing as he is putting on 30gm a week I guess he is getting the sustanance from somewhere (likely the 3am parties he keeps having!!).

This was our day - ps I will do this one day a week to get an average and to see how he changes. I will try to post each month one day to show you his progress.
PS. It is very difficult to write it all down. My pad and pen went with us everywhere but the 2am feed was just hilarious to see me writing in the dark the times......

2am - Wake up and feed
2:13 sleep. Mum changed nappy.
2:18 - 5:16 feed for 3 mins then sound asleep
5:17 - 5:28 wake up and feed, back to bed (in with mummy)
6:09 -6:17 wake up and feed, then back to sleep
7:22 - 7:24 wake up and feed (getting monotonous now) then sound asleep
Mummy shower time, Billy watching tree in window happily when she comes back.
7:45 - 7:51 finish feeding, then get dressed for day
8:12 - 8:20 grumpy still so another feed
8:20 - 9:09 playtime on my tummy and in the gym
9:09 - 9:19 Feed time
11:30am - Nurse woke me up to weigh me
12:40 - 12:49 Feed time - was starving and mummy's boobs bursting! Quick nap afterwards.
1:02 play time
1:13-1:25 feeding frenzy, mum drive so Billy in car seat just watching
2:15-2:25 feeding again, then back in car.
2:50 - 4:15 play time at Rosalie Park. Loved watching all the trees and kids. Had 2 x 5min feeds in this time as well but was awake and happy.
4:15-4:45 sleep
4:45-5:00 sitting in car seat, mum on pc while I watched her.
5:30 - 5:40 feed time again - was grumpy this time.
5:44 - 6:30 nap time. Big poo woke me up. change nappy.
6:38-6:46 feed time.
6:50 - 8:40 sleep time. Mum and Dad had dinner, BLISS.
8:41 - 8 46 feed time then back to sleep
9:05 10:10 mum woke me up. Nice long bath by daddy, some 'free willy' time and a play with dad. Mum had shower.
10:12-10:35 feed - very fussy. Finally off to bed in my COT!!!!!
2:21-2:28 woke up and fed. Mum changed nappy afterwards.
2:36-2:41 had feed on other side. Sound asleep and went back in cot.
5:54 Nappy woke me up. Mum changed me.

....And so it begins again!


Tesso said...

Hi Billy, Aunty Tesso here. I am a special aunty because I'm not your mum's sister or sister-in-law, or your dad's sister or sister-in-law. I'm your aunty because you are so cute and adorable that I want to be your aunty :-)

Hopefully see you for coffee again soon. But hey, try to stay awake next time ;-)

ACTing Like A Mama said...

Wow - what a day, i can barely remember what those early days were like - just remember the total sleep deprivation - sometimes it was so hard to see that it might get better - thankfully it did! I now miss the times when I could guarentee the only things that dante needed was sleep and food!