Wednesday, 21 November 2007

Another Hectic Week

I am four weeks old now and life is very it always like this?

We have been for lots of drives in mums big wagon. Good thing I love being in the car and going to sleep. Sometimes though I just cry and then my mummy sings to me. I try to not cry too much :))

My sister Jordie came to stay and took real good care of me. She gave me bottles and lots of cuddles. We even had a sleep together on the couch. She is really nice.

On Friday my cousins Max and Sara arrived from Darwin. They gave me lots of cuddles too. I am nearly as big as Sara and she is much older than me.

Daddy then took us all out to dinner at Breaky Creek hotel and I slept the whole night and didn't wake up at all. Then on Saturday we drove down to the Gold Coast and spent the day at the Cedar Lake Resort with my cousins and just hung out together. I was a very good boy and my daddy was very proud of me.

Sunday we didn't stay home at all...we rushed to Church, then went shopping for a rocker for me. We didn't find one that mummy liked and daddy was rolling his eyes because we kept going to different shops. Then we drove around looking at houses. We had a long drive to the Sunshine Coast and picked up my brother Matt. We had a great dinner at a cool restaurant. I slept a lot because I was very tired from all the shopping.

On Monday my girlfriend came around but I didn't even know because I slept when she was here. My mum says I should sleep at night and stop sleeping in the day time but I don't know how to do that yet.

Mummy says we have to have a rest day tomorrow because next week I have lots of visitors coming. Aunty Bridgette, LJ, Grandma and Grandad and lots more. I can't wait. I am also going to have my willy chopped on Wednesday so mummy says she will be extra specially nice to me that day. Apparently I am not going to feel a thing but Daddy said he would come and hold my hand too just in case.
And I am getting Christened next weekend. Mum told me I would get water poured on my head and some oil put on my head and then get to hold a special candle. mmmm sounds like another busy week coming up. Might go back to sleep for a bit............


Anonymous said...

Claire - I am hoping that the christening is two weeks away????

Gemma said...

Hello Billy,

You are certainly growing up fast. Glad to see you know you can just go to sleep when you need to! Looking forward to seeing you and your family at your christening.

Love and Kisses,

Grandma Gem