Thursday, 1 November 2007


9 days old today.
It has been a tough 9 days too!

First of all I got squeezed out of mummy and finally was able to see what daddy and mummy looked like. My grandma was there too and gave me lots of cuddles. I liked the warm towel they wrapped me in and I loved laying on my mummy. She even gave me some food!!! I think I am going to like my mummy and daddy lots and lots.

We spent 5 days in the cold hospital. Mummy kept putting me into big jumpsuits to keep me warm. I especially loved the warm baths she gave me. I relaxed and put my legs out as long as they would go. I didn't like getting out of the bath was cold again. A couple of times I did a poo as soon as I got out so I had to go back in. Mum got smart though and worked it out so now I have my bath AFTER my dirty nappies.

I was 4 days old when my daddy carried me home - this photo is my first ride in the car. It was pretty cool!! My sister sat beside me and held my hand the whole way. I love Jordie.

We have been very busy my mummy and I. We have been to the shops, gone and bought a new car (which mummy calls the tank) and played lots with my big brother Sam. Then Sam had to go to his home with his daddy and we went to the big noisy airport. He was very sad but mummy said we will see him soon.

My brother Sam taught me how to lay on my tummy and kept showing me how to roll over. I can't do it yet but I am going to practice for when I next see him. I love being on my tummy and looking at all the colourful rugs my Nan made for me. This one is my favourite but mummy said I had to lay on my back so she could take a photo. I still tried to look at all the pretty pictures of the Bilby's deliverying me to mum and dad.

Oh and guess what...I have a belly button now. Mummy was making sure I was okay and giving me lots of cuddles but Daddy said "now he's perfect".

Daddy has gone bush in his big truck today but he will be back in a few days. I will miss our morning cuddles. Daddy loves to put me on his tummy in the night/ morning after mummy has fed me and we just have time together quietly. It is very nice.

I have been awake all day today with only two little naps so mummy said I have to go to sleep now.

Nite Nite.

ps.....GO BRONCOS!!!

1 comment:

Gemma said...

Hello Billy,

I was there when you were born and knew you were special!! Loved the way you relaxed on Mummy's bed and smiled for the photographers! Hope you continue to manage your life with such grace and aplomb!!

LOL Grandma Gem