Thursday, 8 May 2008

5 teeth, solid food, daily poos', we got it all.....


BILLY BEING A PIRATE (yes he has LJ's tiger too!)


Like cuz LJ Billy has been busy growing his teeth and now has three big ones at the top and two at the bottom. His fourth top tooth is coming down as we speak so he is loving his 'nipple grazing' at the moment!!!

The eating of solid foods has taken some getting used to. He loves to eat adult food - ie hold a chop bone, a raw bean or a piece of potatoe but try to give him some runny mashed baby food and he throws it all over the place. We are persevering and despite warnings on everything I see I tend to make his food more thicker than recommended and hence he enjoys it. I mean seriously some of the baby food is so runny you can't hold it on the spoon!!!

Thanks to all the solids and his 2-3 formula bottles he has during the day (yah no more expressing at work!!) he is having wonderfully regular poos and it is quite the entertainment to the whole household to watch him struggle and groan with his lot in life.

Billy was wonderfully looked after by his biggest sister this week. Ashleigh came and stayed with us as I had to fly to Sydney for work for a few days. She took him to daycare, fed and bathed him at night and got up to him in the EARLY morning...I say early because he woke up at 4am every night I was away heh heh missing his mother of course!!! Whilst I got a lot done on my trip and it was very beneficial to my job I missed my family dearly and am glad to be home...can someone tell me where my housekeeper and ironing lady went to???

Miss you Nan!

1 comment:

Gemma said...

Lovely pics...Looking forward to Sunday and seeing Billy...and YOU!! Congratulations on your 96% test result!! I still get tired just reading all you fit into your day.

Grandma Gem