Thursday, 3 January 2008

New Years Routine

We have started the Year off with a new routine in order to get Billy prepared for full time Day Care. After being soley breastfed for the past 10 weeks we have now commenced giving him bottles between the hours of 9am-5pm (to simulate working hours). It has been working wonderfully and it so amazing to see him quickly adjust his eating routine.

Previously I demand fed him whenever he had his 'hungry'cry. Now I make him wait until at least 2 hours is up and he then gets 100ml of breastmilk in the bottle. It is fantastic and on New Years Day Daddy gave him all his bottles and spent the day bonding with him. Jordie takes a turn when she can but I am still keen to keep being his primary feeder to make it seem somewhat familiar.

The bottle is no problems for him and neither is going back to the boobie for his night/early morning feeds. Amazing enough I find that he now eats more at night/morning and less in the day. This helps him be more active and attentive and have longer wake periods. The result of which last night was a sleep from 8pm through till 5am this morning. Great!!!!! Unfortunately he didn't want to go back to sleep then so I had to get up and we played for a couple of hours and had a cup of tea. Then at 7am we both went back to bed for another hour before getting up for the day.
I think this new routine suits Billy and mostly it suits his family. We can all participate and I am confident that I can leave him for periods at a time with others and he won't be fussy.

Then again...we are only on day 3 so I'll keep you all updated on how we are going. The big challenge we face next week is leaving him for a 6hr stretch as a trial daycare day - Jordie his big sister will be in charge and I will be going in for a half day at work.
We also need to get out to the shops or friends house to practice heating/giving him bottles outside of the family home. I am also quickly learning the best times of day to express the milk so I can keep up with the supply/demand of a hungry baby! 4am expressing is just exactly what I had in mind when I heard the doctor say many months ago "You are Pregnant!!!"

Life is fun!


Anonymous said...

isn't dad a softie? will he be when billy belly sneaks the car out to pick up his chickiedoodle?


p.s. you said boobie. tee hee.

Anonymous said...

Lovely to see you getting so organised. I am impressed with you expressing for his bottle feeds. Well done!! Loved the photo of Al and Billy - missing you all.


Grandma Gem

Katie said...

Great photo! That is impressive Clairie....fingers crossed it works well. Oooh I like the sound of that nice long sleep at night!

I am trying to make Charlie wait 3hrs between feeds....which she is happy with mostly. She seems to naturally want food at this time...although somtimes I find she wants it after an hour and a bit ? if she gets enough the first time???

I have been a bit chicken to try the bottle....but it would be great for Ray to be able to give her a feed when he gets home from work, otherwise it feels like he does not gat any time with her as she is still mostly eating and sleeping. Might be worth a try.

Good luck with the day care and work! You should be proud, you sound very organised!!